Makefile Writer
Automate the creation of Makefiles for efficient software build processes
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- What's this?
- MagickPen's 'Makefile Writer' revolutionizes software development by facilitating the automated creation of Makefiles, catering to a wide array of programming languages and project structures. This AI-driven tool ensures the generation of efficient, adaptable Makefiles, streamlining your build process.
- How to use it?
- Provide your project details, including programming language, structure, and specific build requirements. Mention any custom commands or dependencies needed. The tool crafts a Makefile perfectly aligned with your project's specifications.
- Pro tips
- Detail your project's build requirements, such as compiler flags, linking options, or special conditions, for a Makefile that best fits your needs. The more comprehensive your input, the more precise and functional the generated Makefile will be.
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6.9 /mo
- 제한 없는 GPT-3.5 학점
- Support web search
- 세대당 최대 6,000 단어
- Support continuous generation
- Cancel any time
- 1v1 고객 서비스
Premium 50% OFF
14 /mo
- 600 GPT-4 크레딧 매월 i하루에 20 크레딧
- 제한 없는 GPT-3.5 학점
- Support web search
- 모든 기본 기능에 액세스
- 세대당 최대 6,000 단어
- Support continuous generation
- Cancel any time
- 1v1 고객 서비스
- 600 GPT-4 크레딧 매월
Ultimate 50% OFF
29 /mo
- 1800 GPT-4 credits per month i60 credits per day
- 제한 없는 GPT-3.5 학점
- Support web search
- 모든 기본 기능에 액세스
- 세대당 최대 6,000 단어
- Support continuous generation
- Cancel any time
- 1v1 고객 서비스
- 1800 GPT-4 credits per month
Pay as you go
- 얻다 1,500 GPT-3.5 크레딧, 무제한 시간
- Support web search
- 세대당 최대 6,000 단어
- Support continuous generation
- Credits never expires
- 1v1 고객 서비스
Free User has: 10 credits per day, limit to 500 words per generation
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예, 제휴사에서 제휴 프로그램에 지원하여 각 판매당 최대 $83.70 까지 벌 수 있습니다.
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